Meter Governance中文网 你的位置:CELR 中文站 > Meter Governance中文网 > 上海美高学校|92%优秀率,2门学科100%满分,AP大考成绩耀眼|考试|ap|上海市|好成绩|美国大学
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:48 点击次数:170
编者按上海美高学校成立于2014年,是美国威斯康星州Living Word Lutheran School Jackson(LWLSJ)总校在华唯一的分校。办学多年,以优异的升学成绩吸引上千名学生入读。学校涵盖小学、初中和高中阶段,同时引入国际化的优质教育,将中国基础教育与国外精英教育完美融合。高中部提供AP和A-level课程,双A课程体系,多元化教学,选择方向多,升学国家广。学校鼓励每位学生选修第二外语,目前开设德语、法语、西班牙语、韩语、日语等世界语言课程。学校已获得Cognia认证、CIE(剑桥考评部)认证及AP Capstone认证,是AP世界学校。近日,AP成绩公布,上海美高学子们以50%AP单科满分,100%优秀率再次证明了自己的实力。2024年的AP成绩陆续公布,LWS上海美高学子们的表现令人瞩目,本次共有136人参加AP大考,176个(50%)AP单科满分,AP优秀率高达92%!The AP scores for 2024 have been released one after another, and the performance of LWS students has been remarkable. A total of 136 people participated in the AP exam,176 (50%) AP single subject full marks, AP excellence rate as high as 92%!12年级的赵同学累计获得了11门满分5分的优异成绩,堪称AP5分收割机。不仅在各个学科都表现出色,而且展现出了无与伦比的学术才华和努力精神。这份成绩不仅是个人的荣耀,也是LWS美高全体师生的骄傲。Zhao, a 12th grade student, has achieved outstanding results with atotal of 11 out of 5 points, making him an AP5 harvester. Not only has he performed outstandingly in various disciplines, but he has also demonstrated unparalleled academic talent and a spirit of hard work. This achievement is not only a personal honor, but also a pride for all teachers and students of LWS.11年级的董同学累计9门AP课程获得满分5分。2024年,4门AP课程取得满分5分,这证明了其在学术上的优秀表现和扎实的学科基础。Dong, a 11th grade student,has accumulated 9 AP courses and received a full score of 5.In 2024, 4 AP courses achieved a perfect score of 5, which proves his excellent academic performance and solid disciplinary foundation.10年级的牛同学此次展现出了非凡的学术才能和坚定的学习决心。累计在8门AP课程中取得了满分成绩,在2024年获得了7门AP课程的满分5分。Niu, a 10th grade student, demonstrated extraordinary academic talent and unwavering determination to learn this time.Accumulated full marks in 8 AP coursesand achieved a full mark of 5 in 7 AP courses in 2024.同时,有17位9年级学生首次参加AP考试,获得11个5分好成绩,满分连连,平均成绩高达4.2分。9年级的刘同学目前考了2门AP,全部满分5分,在9年级就展现出了如此出色的学术潜力,实属不易。At the same time,17 9th grade students participated in the AP exam for the first time and 11 achieved good grades of 5,with consecutive full marks and an average score of4.2. Liu, a 9th grade student, has currently taken 2 AP exams with a perfect score of 5. It is not easy for him to demonstrate such outstanding academic potential in 9th grade.68位同学(50%)获得美国大学理事会授予的AP学者称号,其中——29人(21%)获得AP学者奖(AP Scholar)16人(11%)获得AP荣誉学者奖(AP Scholar with Honor)23人(17%)获得AP杰出学者奖(AP Scholar with Distinction)2位同学获得美国大学理事会颁布的顶石文凭(AP Capstone Diploma)科普小课堂AP顶石文凭AP Seminar专题研讨和AP Research学术研究两门获得3分及以上成绩,且有其他4门及以上AP考试获得3分及以上成绩的学生Students who have achieved a score of 3 or above in the AP Seminar and AP Research academic research courses, as well as a score of 3 or above in the other 4 or more AP examsAP杰出学者奖5门及以上AP考试中获得3分及以上成绩的学生Students who score 3 or above in 5 or more AP exams◀AP荣誉学者奖▶4门及以上AP考试中获得3分及以上成绩的学生Students who score 3 or above in 4 or more AP examsAP学者奖3门及以上AP考试中获得3分及以上成绩的学生Students who score 3 or above in 3 or more AP exams值得一提的是,LWS美高学子在AP预备微积分和AP物理电磁学2门学科获得了100%满分5分率的佳绩。Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism、Physics 2、Calculus BC、Macroeconomics、Statistics、Precalculus、Calculus AB、Microeconomics、Environmental Science、Computer Science Principles等学科均分成绩高于中国大陆及全球平均水平。It is also worth mentioning thatLWS students achieved a perfect score of 100% out of 5 in the AP preparatory calculusand AP physics electromagnetics subjects.The average score of Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics 2, Calculus BC, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Precalculus, Calculus AB, Microeconomics, Environmental Science, Computer Science Principles and other disciplines is higher than the average level of Chinese Mainland and the world.这些分数不仅证明了LWS美高学生在高中阶段能学习美国大学本科的知识的学术能力,也是该校教育质量优异的体现。These scores not only demonstrate the academic ability of LWS students to learn undergraduate knowledge from American universities during their high school years, but also reflect the excellent quality of the school's education.*转自:上海美高学校官方公众号择校咨询微信号|KingLeadCarina电话号码|15010290997欢迎有择校需求的家庭扫描下方二维码,填写相关信息【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead